I received an email a few days ago regarding on some victims buying fake pendrives in China. How fake is it? Just look at this…
That is the most innovative design I’ve ever seen! Human minds are really creative sometimes. So be extra careful when buying pendrives. You might end up getting something like this!
By the way, did DLINK produced pendrives? Strange…
zzz.. seems u dun understand what i meant.. i mean why they wana use a dlink enclosure to fraud ppl while everyone knows dlink never produce any thumbdrives at all.. sohai…
Wow, so creative!
Gaylord Focker
oi sohai, look properly, its a DLINK enclosure, does DLINK make thumbdrives?
for a blogger you’re pretty stupid.
whoops. sorry.
make that DAMN stupid.
zzz.. seems u dun understand what i meant.. i mean why they wana use a dlink enclosure to fraud ppl while everyone knows dlink never produce any thumbdrives at all.. sohai…