Boring day at hometown~
Quite boring at hometown. Did nothing much today here. Whole day watching TVB series with my sis n mom. Just came back from yumcha just now with a friend who came back from KL. Listen to him bullshiting about everything. Oh ya mr keat… if ur reading this, I guess u’ll be really happy cos linkulu bought a JL yellow color component set for RM900. haha!
This is what I took with my phone today. A red pineapple planted by my mom long time ago. Just wondering how big can it be when the fruit totally grown up. haha..
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
A Long Journey~
wow… cool pineapple… red color.. :p
hmm… ur phone cam not bad wor… the quality quite good wor :p :flex:
hehe… thanks for the compliment.. Will take more n more photos with my phone 🙂