COMET Day 1~
Went to a conference today. Its a Conference On Manufacturing & Electronics Technology helded by a bunch of students from UTM. Actually I wasn’t so interested about it but since my coursemates asked me to go so I went for it then. Basically its just a conference for keynote speaking sessions where there are guests from the industry and other Universities to give a talk about Electronics and also manufacturing. Besides that, there’s a session for final year project presentation among 12 finalist from Universities in the country. So we can learn on how to present our project next time and what to prepare for it.
And there we were, sitting in the big hall of UTM, waiting for the YB to reach for the opening ceremony. To be honest, its so boring waiting for it and listening to those speeches, since we had been waited since 8am and they only reached around 9~ The conference was scheduled to start at 8am until 5pm…
After the grand opening ceremony, all of us headed to the Senate Hall of UTM to listen for the workshop. The 1st speaker is an engineer from Intel Malaysia, talking about the Challenges and Trends In Semiconductor Packaging. Quite interesting talk as I’m in the Faculty of Electric~ haha.. Just a brief talk about Intel Malaysia, and the ways of manufacturing the semiconductors. He did talk quite long about the history of Intel and those campus in Penang and Kulim.. maybe he’s promoting Intel huh? lol..
After the talk, its time for the students to present their final year project. There were judges that judge their presentation and how they did for the project. Really salute the MMU student’s braveness to come here to present but ended up being shooted with lots of questions from the judges, which are lecturers from UTM. All of us in the hall may ask the presenter for any queries as we were participating in it as well.
After few students presented their presentation, all of us went for lunch in a room beside the hall. I took a photo of the monument above after lunch. 100 years of history of UTM~ Don’t feel too proud of it k~ haha..
The speaker for the next workshop is a DR. from the NUS ( National University of Singapore) which is about Micro-machining and Nano Surface Generation. It was quite interesting at the start although I don’t know a single shit of it because its all about Mechanical stuffs.. But till the middle of the talk, it become a comercial talk! The DR. keep showing all the invention they patent and built themselves. And the most shocking thing is that his team even start a company producing the machine they invented! Each machine might costs around $250K.. and all the lecturers in the hall keep asking about the method he used to create the machines.. bla bla bla.. so damn boring~
After the talk, my housemate and I went straight back home although there’s still 3 students gona present after that. Its way too boring and tiring man. Took a photo of a boat somewhere near the carpark.. strange why its here.. Tomorrow is the 2nd day of the conference where there’s another 2 workshops and presentations.. I’ll just go for the workshop then.. and have my lunch there! lol!
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.