Pest Control~
My mom asked the pest control fellas to clean up the ceilings today. Guess what’s been staying up there for so long?
ya~ Bats! This one is dead when the guys took it down. Just a proof to show me that there’s bats staying in the roof. The main thing they have to do is kill all the bats and clean up all their droppings. The man even took a vacuum machine up to vacuum all the droppings.. in the end he managed to clean the ceilings with 4 bags of bats droppings.
Die lizards!~ Die!
This is the photo of 2 lizards dead after the pest control guys spraying some low toxic poison around the house. Seriously, I don’t think that those are low toxic since the lizard was dead immediately after the liquid sprayed on its body. Looks disgusting right?
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
Aryeh… so mengelikan. Where did they find the bats? on top of our room? How many bats were there in total? Did they leave any chemicals there to prevent the bats from coming back? Did they spray the chemicals behind those big cupboards and store rooms where most of those lizards are?
so many questions… haha. Mum told me abt the pest control last night. Btw, they arrived safely and already made themselve at home in the hotel room. Mum told me your wisdom tooth story and LL was complaining she irepeated all stories more than 2 times already…. kekeke..
Those lizards should not have died so quickly. But of course the guy sprayed directly on them. Hair Spray if sprayed on something will usually kill it.