Track Your Blog’s Uptime~
Do you want to track the uptime of your blog but wondering which service to go for? Blogflux had created the Uptime Tracker that tracks the uptime of your blog.
Our Uptime Tracker checks to see if your website is online once every 60 minutes (for Blog Flux Pro users, it checks every 10 minutes). We then tell you your uptime for the past week, month, quarter, year, and lifetime. We use 23 different servers located around the world to make sure you are accessible everywhere.
Time to check whether your webhosting is lying on you about the uptime or not! Just register your blog into BlogFlux and click “Track my Uptime” in the control panel. The service is free and you will need to include a small HTML tag in your blog for tracking purposes. I’m gonna add this to my blog now~ 🙂
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
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