Hidden Buttons in WordPress 2.1 Post Editor~
Have you ever wish that there were more formatting buttons in WordPress 2.1 post editor? Worry no more because there’s actually a whole row of buttons hidden there! This is what I just found out about WordPress 2.1 through QuickOnlineTips.
You can actually go from
to this
How cool is that? All you need to do is Press alt-shift-v (Firefox) or alt-v (IE) and behold when on the Write Post screen of your WordPress Admin.
Two of the new buttons are “Paste as Plain Text†and “Paste from Word.†Nice for those who use such things. I like the custom character thing too. Now I can easily add ∞ whenever I need it…
Source: Solo-technology
I’m really ashamed because I don’t even realized such things exist after using WordPress 2.1 for 2 weeks! There are some discussions on making the row of buttons permanent but it requires changing the codes in WordPress core files. So be careful for those of you who want to change it. 🙂
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.