The Fast & The Furious : Tokyo Drift~
The hottest car racing movie of the year –> The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift. My friends and I went for this movie last night at GSC 1Utama. While waiting for the movie to start, the place become a Teluk Intan gathering as I saw Chee Seng, Huei Ting and even Darling at the same time. Jeezz….
Ok back to the movie. The main actor Lucas Black plays the role of Sean Boswell, a teenager who got into troubles in the States and got transfered to Tokyo to prevent from getting into jail. Then he got involved into underground drift racing which then turns into illegal stuffs like mafias and so on.
Main actor.. driving a S15..
The underground car park parties.. Sean is driving the orange Silvia where he smashed the car to the post while racing with DK.
D.K.. The Drift King drifting around the car park.
The best drift of all.. drifting up the car park.. I wonder who else can do that in such a small space.
Han’s Veilside Mazda RX-7. Can’t really see this car on the road. Its a track racing car.
Sean practising on drifting in his EVO..
Last scene… Sean racing with DK in a classic Mustang modified with skyline’s engine.
Since there are some scenes similiar to Initial-D, you can really compare the difference between Hollywood movie making with HongKong’s. Even the ending is almost the same! lol.. Great movie I say.. Worth some time to watch it.
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An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
just watched it last weekend… really good!
i think this is the suckiest compared to the earlier 2. DK..donkey kong yeah babeh
hey great movie
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Do u know the budget for this film? $85 000 000 its unbelievable!!!!!