These few days is really tiring. I have 3 assignments need to finish before the coming exams next week. Microcontroller project, VLSI assignment and also a presentation for Etech. Among all three, the microcontroller is the toughest. We have to do it like final year project where we write out the program for the questions and then assemble the hardware on a protoboard, then present it to the lecturer and submit all the reports. The hardware part is much harder as we have to design the circuit and assemble all of it ourselves. Its getting tired and frustated as its not really easy to assemble all it. My groupmates and I just finish assemble it just now.
This is what we did the night before. Almost done but we just can’t assemble for the 7-segment part as we don’t know which pin to connect to. Most of my coursemates don’t use the IC Encoder that we used so we need to find the lecturer for assistance the next day.
Finally we finished assembling the whole circuit. Mind you that we need to troubleshoot the program and the circuit to test it. It may take quite some time to really finish this assign. After that we have to finish the report also.. argh.. headache.
Time to sleep already. Getting tired…
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
war… your assignment looks very complicated
hey buddy….i came across ur page when i was looking for final year project ideas online…im currently in my final year doing electrical & electronics degree…firstly congratulations on putting up such a cool site…also i was wondering if u could help me come up wit sum ideas for my project..ur embedded ethernet project looks good n i’d appreciate any help or ideas u can giv me…thanks so much….
Well what kind of project do you want to do? hardware/software? Maybe you can ask your lecturer or supervisor for some advice on your project. 😉