WordPress 2.1 Release Candidate 1
Yes, WordPress 2.1 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download. There are some cool new features in WordPress 2.1: Much more efficient database code, faster than previous versions Autosave Tabbed editor Lossless XML import and export for moving between…
WordPress Update 2.0.7 Available~
It was only 10 days when WordPress 2.0.6 was launched and now there is an update on 2.0.7. The WordPress team claimed that there is a bug in certain versions of PHP recently that could cause a security vulnerability in…
WordPress Update 2.0.6 Available~
The latest version of WordPress 2.0.6 is available a few hours ago. If you are a WordPress user, it is recommended to update your WordPress version to the latest ones. Here’s what’s new: The aforementioned security fixes. HTML quicktags now…
WordPress 2.0~
After an hour of trial and error, I managed to install the latest version of WordPress. Its version 2.0. Just installed it so I thought why not I write something about it. At first sight, there’s not much changes except…