Evil Money Maker – John Chow~
Do you want to make some money from your blog? If you really want to know where to get the best content of making money online from a blog, try visiting John Chow’s blog. Why? Because he is one of the most creative bloggers that tells you how to make money from a blog! 😉
John Chow dot com covers a lot of topics from blogging tips, marketing your blog, updated technologies, to some topics on cars, his dining places and so on. The best thing from reading this blog is that he teaches you to increase your revenue online like increasing your page rank and traffic, in an easy way.
John Chow knows the ways to make money from a blog. Apart from monetizing his blog by placing his ads on the correct placements, he used many other ways to climb to the top. For example, in order to get to the top 100 of Technorati rankings, he is offering a link to your blog if you review his blog, which is what I’m doing now. So far there is more than 350 blogs from all around the world that reviewed his blog which makes him successfully become one of the top Technorati bloggers.
Other than that, he held contests by giving some gifts to his readers, if they join his MyBlogLog community and Technorati Favorites. Recently, he is giving away a Nintendo Wii for those who links to his post. These are actually great methods for bloggers to increase their blogs’ pagerank and also traffic to their sites. By using his creativity, he gained both of them easily.
Every month, John will post his earnings online on his blog to show his methods really worked. He started monetizing his blog back in September 2006 and he earned $352.94 from Google Adsense in just one month! It took me more than a year just to earn my first Adsense check! Sigh… In February 2007, he earned a record breaking $7,011.05 from all his ads and affiliates programs.
How much will he be earning this month? Above $10k? How I wish I can make something like that!
John Chow is now a celebrity in the bloggers community. He even created a community of readers of his own. Everyone who visited his blog wants to be like him, who doesn’t? I would recommend you to read his blog if you want to know more about him. And also, if you want to get a big flow of traffic to your site, try review his blog for a strong backlink. 😉
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An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
How to Speed Up Windows XP~
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How I wish I could do that!!!! 😆
Fatcow Coupon
Thanks a lot for the informative post. I have wondering if you make money from pay per post too? I heard that is not bad for a good pagerank blog.
Well said.
evil money makers thrashed into the lake of fire and sulfur tormented now and forever.
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Very good Post. I like this