Free MicroWorld Antivirus Toolkit Utility~
MicroWorld AntiVirus Toolkit Utility 9.1.1 is a antivirus scanning toolkit that is based on the Kaspersky Antivirus engine. It can scan and terminate hidden spywares, illegal dialers, and illegal sniffers which normally are running in the background. Just download and run. No installation of this software required.
MWAV 9.1.1 Features:
- Scans your computer completely and provides reports of any viruses that it finds.
- Checks for all illegal dialers that are present on your computer and informs you of the same.
- Informs you of any background illegal sniffers or tools like spyware, adware, keyloggers etc. running in the memory of your computer.
- You can add this utility to the startup list of programs on your computer so that it scans your computer every time you start using it.
- When you download this utility you will get it with the latestupdated list of viruses so that it scans your computer for all knownviruses.
- No need to install. Just download and run the MWAV toolkit to scan for viruses.
- MWAV 8.x also provides multi-language support.
MicroWorld is offering this FREE MWAV Toolkit to help you to “Scan and Clean” your PC/Computer for FREE up to 31st March 2007.
I’ve just tried out this software. Seems to me that this utility actually works because it did scanned a few trojans in my pc. AVG scanned my pc every morning but this utility found something that AVG can’t even detect it. Cool huh? The best part is, you don’t need to install this program on your pc and yet, it updates itself automatically when you start to scan. That’s.. really cool.. 😛 This utility is great for those people who does not have antivirus programs installed. So just run the program and scan everything and.. Yup, you’re done! (I know you won’t believe that there are people that is so lazy to install antivirus.. but trust me.. there are.. at least one of my housemates is)
But yet, this is just a tool that Microworld developed just to promote their antivirus software. If they can find something that other antivirus can’t, people will buy it right? 🙂
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