My Blog Earnings – March 2007~
It is time for my monthly earnings post! To be honest, this month SUCKS! Everything just went down and I only wrote a few paid postings that made my earnings even more worse. Furthermore, I’ve been tweaking the Adsense ads blocks and the results are not really satisfying. 😥
These are the earnings I gathered from this blog in March 2007 :
- Google Adsense : $18.45
- Text Link Ads : $8.50
- Pay Per Post Postings : $20.00
- Loudlaunch Postings :$5.00
- Vizu Answers Polls : $2.94
Total Earnings for March 2007 : $54.89
Compared to my earnings last month, the earnings suffered almost 50% loss! Sigh. I should stop tweaking the Adsense ads blocks since the previous ones had better earnings. Text Link Ads earnings is lesser in March because 1 advertiser stopped advertising here. Paid postings? I think I should start putting some effort to write some of those since they pay more than others.
Nothing to be happy about this month except my Alexa ranking raised more than 300,000 in just 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get more traffic and have more income sources soon. 😉 I really should seek for some stable earnings for this blog. Any suggestions?
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
One Comment
Wow.. wonderfully menghua… congratulations… to you…