Wishlist No.2 – Done!~
Yeah! I’ve fulfilled my 2nd wish in my wishlist! This is the phone which I bought this afternoon. Went to Tmn U shops with my friend Richard because he knows the boss quite well. Might get some discount price for my phone. So reached there and I asked about Sony Ericsson K750i. The salesgal took out this phone instead and said this phone is much better than K750i. Its almost the same as W800i which only the color is not same. What model is this? Its D750i which I don’t think its available in Malaysia officially. Don’t know where they get it. I decided to take it since the function and the look of it is just like w800i. They even flash the phone into W800i (which I only found out when I connect the phone to my pc) so its exactly like W800i now~ The phone costs me RM1350.. Argh, my hard earned money just fly away like that lol..
So after the salesgal transfer some songs into my phone, I paid and went back home. Trying to adapt to the new phone. So many functions in it which I think I really need a lot of time to get used to it. The walkman function is great, it even have the equalizer which can set the songs to Megabass. When listening to songs using headset, wow! the sound quality is just damn awesome! My friend told me if I have the real W800i headset the sound experience will be much more better. Never mind then. At least I got something worth for. The camera is 2.0 Megapixel with auto focus, just like a digicam. The photos are quite clear if transfered into my pc. Here’s a photo I took this afternoon.
The only thing that I’m not happy with is the software. The salesgal keep telling me that they include the software cd in the box, but the version of the driver is not compatible. Why? The cd is for D750i phones. My phone had been flash into W800i so by right they should give me another version of software cd right? 😆 Wasted me an hour of connecting my phone to my pc cos the driver is just not right~ But in the end I managed to fix it by downloading the latest driver from Sony Ericsson website. I can start fooling around with friends pretending that my phone is the latest SE W800i with different color skin. 😆
Ok I should stop here. Housemate asked me to go JB pub to have a drink but I need to pack my things here. I’m going back to Teluk Intan tomorrow, long journey ahead.
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
Wow.. the phone looks cool.. is it really that good? Makes me thinking of changing phone. Will see it when see you in TI… 😛
wow.. cool.. congrats :p hehehe so how’s ur phone now? get use to it edi? :p but seriously i din know there’s a D750i in the market :p hehe too long din update myself for mobile phone edi 🙂
ya i don’t think the phone is officially sold in malaysia.. cos there’s a Tmobile at the phone there which i think its a company like maxis here.. the box of the phone is all written in german i guess.. :sweat: but still got english manual la..
congrats dude!
btw…i haven’t saw this phone selling it officially in M’sia.
Hi all, for your info. This handphone is only for german market. T-Mobile is a provider in Germany and only they can supply this handphone. So if someone selling this elsewhere than Germany, means it is bought from Germany to sell it without warranty as warranty only in Germany. This handphone same function as K750i but with a cover of W800.
It is called D750i because D is standing for Deutschland which means Germany in English.
Vo Danh
Katarina Witt
Hello…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts comin..holy Friday