New Laptop~
After working for around 1 month, I finally got my own laptop. Huhu!~ It’s a HP Compaq nc6400 model. I’ve been working on this laptop for over 2 weeks and it feels great! This is the specifications of the laptop.
Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 CPU T5600 @ 1.88Ghz,
2GB of RAM,
Intel Mobile i945GM Express graphic card,
80GB of harddisk space…
Here is a view of the new laptop I’m currently using
Looks cool isn’t it? It has a fingerprint reader which scans your fingerprint to unlock your user logons (which I’m not using it since the software is not installed…). Memory card reader, usb ports, dvd rom, modem and ethernet ports, almost everything you’ll ever need on a laptop.
The coolest thing of all, is they even provided me the thinnest mouse on earth that is running on bluetooth!
See how thin the mouse is? It can be inserted into the express slot for charging. Although it looks cute, but I find it hard to use because it is too thin and the buttons are hard to press on.
With a fast new laptop, you’ll want your email and web server to work just as fast. Powerful server web hosting will speed up your site, and Exchange outsourcing will give you fast emailing at a low cost. Look into outsourcing Exchange 2007 for quick, reliable emails and great storage capacity.
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
Night Shift~
How Fast Can You Type?~
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Wah… looks soo cool lah!! work 1 month already bought a new expensive laptop! soo lucky!… by the way, how much you is it?
company 1… not i bought 1.. I where got so much money to buy laptop la. just worked 1 month use all salary to buy laptop meh.. lol…
Wow, what a nice company…
Got new laptop…
I think i want to change job already…
the mouse looks really cool.. 🙂
Congratulations dude… that’s good looking laptop 😉
money maker
nice one there 🙂
wow i wish i could afford one
bla all the things but din put up the price… let me know la..
Duno how much is the laptop.. should be around RM4k+ I think… 😉
news bandit
Congrats on the new laptop! I need to get one….I’m jealous.