WordPress No Permission Problem~
The latest version of WordPress 2.2.3 was released 4 days ago. Being a WordPress 2.2.2 user, I’ve decided to upgrade to the latest version. It is better to upgrade to the latest version since there were some bugs in the previous version that were fixed in this version. Or else, what is the purpose of coming out a new version? 😆
Anything new with the latest version? As far as I can see, there’s nothing much difference. The only disappointment for me is that the “no permission” problem is still not fixed. The problem with this bug is that you have no permission to create categories, delete comments, adding blogroll and so on. The error message will be something like this: “You have no permission to do that“. Posting a new post will cause some trouble as well because once after you click the publish button, a prompt message: ” Do you want to edit this post?” will be shown. Nothing will happen after you click “yes” or “no” button, except the whole post will be gone after that. Try writing a long post with few hundred words in it and the whole post gone after you click the publish button. Isn’t that frustrating? 👿 👿
As far as I know, not many WordPress users are experiencing this. Hence, there were no proper solutions given by the WordPress support team. However, I’ve found a ticket in WordPress.org that will solve this issue. Basically it is some problem related to AJAX JS code. What you need to do is replace some codings in wp-includes/pluggable.php. Read here for the detailed explanations.
For those who are lost of what the ticket is talking about, just download the pluggable.php file that I’ve modified and replace the same file under wp-includes folder. Mind you that I don’t guarantee this solution will work, so remember to do a backup of the file before you replace it. 😉
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
I think they’ve decided to just use a plugin to replace it. You can see it on http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3807#comment:10 and the full post is actually at http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3807.
You sure you haven’t just forgot to edit the permissions of your files? Chmod them from the default 644 to 755?
no dude.. this is a known issue where some people are experiencing it while some don’t. The permission of my files are fine. 😉
Thanks Hallaj for the tip. I think the solution plugin is the same as the php file I’ve edited. 😉
John Lampard
That’s weird… I never had any such problems with 2.2.3 (which I am still running despite 2.3 being available) Are the error messages anything to do the theme you are using?!?
yup.. not many users will encounter this problem. Not sure what is the main problem yet. The problem still exists even if I changed to the default theme. 😉
Forex free download
I’ve been facing the similar problem with wordpress. I always thought that there’s nothing i could do about it until i read your post. I love WordPress though. It’s so easy to use and it’s customizable but it has some serious setbacks too.
Anyways thanks for the link. I’ll incorporate it on my website.
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