My Blog
Its totally my one and only blog....
Bukit Tabur~
One early morning of the Labor Day holiday, when most of the working class were still sleeping enjoying their holiday…
Earth Hour 2009~
It started with a question: How can we inspire people to take action on climate change? Then in March 31 2007, the Earth Hour started with Sydney turning off it’s light for 1 hour. The whole world was inspired with…
Message from Facebook~
Seems like someone has turned 25 years old on the 25th of February 2009!~ Happy birthday to myself!~Â 😉 Damn.. I’ve been hanging around with facebook more often than any website ever these days, except my gmail though. 🙂
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009~
It’s the last festival of the year, Christmas is here! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!~ 2008 finally reached the end and it has been so fast that the year had just passed by without noticed. Let’s…
Comic Fiesta 2008~
It was last weekend when I went for the Comic Fiesta 2008 which was held in Sunway Pyramid convention centre. Being a first timer for attending such events, I was thrilled to found out that there are actually a lot…
Bond Girl Catherine Mcqueen in Digi~
 Catherine Mcqueen (the Bond Girl in the Bond Series – Die Another Day) was in Digi last Friday. Being an actress/DJ/Model herself, she was playing the music for our little party in the Courtyard that day. Frankly speaking, I…
Happy Labour Day~
For those working folks out there, Happy Labour Day to all! This is the day where all (well, mostly all though) working folks can have a day off and rest at home. So chill out, relax and don’t even try…