• Jokes

    Not Blogging Anymore?~

    Just in case if you are wondering why the post updates in M3nghua.com are quite slow lately, this video should tell you why.  😆 P.S. Just a joke though~

  • Jokes

    The Amazing F Word~

    Imagine this is how your Indian teacher teaching you the F word.. I’m gonna laugh all the way out!! 😆 Hope this can cheer up your Monday blues~ Hehe..

  • Jokes

    Go Vista!~

    Funny as it seems, I still think that Vista is nothing but just a fancy OS, much prettier than XP. Maybe I will change that point of view when I got my hands on Vista. Who’s gonna sponsor me a…

  • Jokes

    Microsoft(R) Firefox 2007 Professional~

    Microsoft had launched the new MsFirefox 2007 Professional Edition. The new award-winning browser from Microsoft is now faster, securer and quicker anything else on the market. Why use anything else? MS Firefox 2007 delivers a dramatic boost in the download…

  • Jokes,  My Blog

    What Do Animals Eat?~

    After my housemate fetch me from campus, we passed by the deer park in the University. It was raining and the deers have no place to shed. I was feeling pity of the deers as there were no more grass…