Download YouTube Videos with KissYouTube~
If this previous method of downloading YouTube videos does not work well for you, you should try this new service. It is called, KissYouTube. Same as YouTubex, KissYouTube offers methods to download YouTube videos directly without wasting your time to wait for the videos to load.
There are 2 ways to download videos from KissYouTube. The first method is the normal way, which is by copying the whole YouTube Video URL (Eg. and paste directly into ‘Enter YouTube Video URL’ field and hit the ‘Get It’ button.
The second method is more creative, which is adding a “kiss” word in the URL of the video that you are watching. For example, you are watching a YouTube video at this URL (Eg. All you need to do is just add the “kiss” word before the “youtube” in the URL like this: Eg. . Next press the “Enter” key and you can click on the download link and download the video straight away. Simple!~
All downloaded videos are in .flv format and you can download few types of players and converters at their site. I still recommend you to install k-lite mega codec pack so that you can have a universal player with all types of codecs built in. Happy trying!~ 🙂
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.