Goodbye Skudai~!
After 5 years staying in Skudai, I’m leaving this place for good finally. My housemates and I have been renting this house for 4 years without moving to other house. I was living together with 9 other housemates at first, and then 7 of us in the end. You might find that it is quite hard to believe that there were 10 of us living in a house together at first. But look at our rented house, it’s a 3 storey house which is big enough to accommodate all of us. 🙂
With all the noise we generated everyday here, I think the neighborhood should be very happy that we are finally gone 😆 I’m gonna miss this place. 5 years of good memories with my housemates, where we were staying at the same hostel at first, then moved to this house together. Hope that everyone got a good job, and have a good future ahead 😉 . In the mean time, I’m still looking for jobs haha. Hopefully I can get hired for the job interview this coming Monday.
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An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
wow bro, sound sentimental, haha, i didn’t miss my house when I left it. But the memories still deeply routed in my mind.
Congrats! you are finally DONE with Uni. time flies, 5 yrs dy. All the best for the interview ya! see you soon.
lol… don’t nangis2 la. ha3. anyway, congrats!
The end of another chapter of your life 😉
It is time to move to the real world.
Start climbing the long and winding corporate ladder 😆
End of one pace of your life and into another milestone. Good luck with that! 🙂
no nangis nangis la.. 😆 Yup it’s the end of another chapter of my life, and another NEW chapter will start next. Got a job interview at the moment, hopefully it will become a job offer soon because I really want to get into that company. In the mean time, I won’t be blogging regularly due to the SLOWNESS of dial up connection. Until I get myself a fast connection, I think I will just leave the blog unoccupied for some time. 😉
Robin Lee
Wow man, you are old lor~ Good luck with your interview! I hope you are employed and treat us a meal. 😀
It’s good to leave and start your career very soon!
Armin VAn Buuren
I believe that you have lived 10 people in one house, btw it is not so small house as I could see from the picture. As bee has written the whole story sounds too sentimentalJ but it is always like that when you miss the place and all the merry people in there. I am sure that you will find another happy gang and you will have a good time with them.
Ronny Rabe
Hi – just wanted to say good design and blog – cu Ronny R.