lampe berger? bullshit!!~
hmm.. i got test tmr.. but still not finish studyin it yet… not in the mood for studying i guess.. duno y.. slept at 7.50am this morning.. cos chatting on phone with gf… y? bcos some stupid fella trying to con her into lampe berger MLM thingy.. which is already proven is a scam.. her fren brought her for supper last nite.. n then with whole crowd of lampe berger fellas… n then.. huh.. i’m really impressed with their tactics… they asked her to drive their so called new car… BMW 5 series… n still she only found out its a tactic after i told her… its quite obvious when someone trying to talk u into some kind of multi level marketing thingy… n then telling u that he or she earned duno how many k’s.. each month.. n now.. he can afford to buy a new car.. wah… BMW 5 series… are u impressed??? wana join??
i managed to find a lot of info about this lampe berger thingy.. n yes.. its a scam.. something like those thingy that u light up in a room.. with the smell that can cure ur sickness… bullshit la… i even found a clip from HK TVB where those host went into the company to investigate wat the hell is it.. n then.. they even bought the lampe berger n test it in the lab.. it is said that the lampe can produce O. atom after burning it… n then.. then the atom.. O. combine with our oxigen.. O2.. it produces O3.. which is our ozon.. which can filter away all those harmful particles in the air.. n the results from the lab came out that the lampe cannot produce a single shit at all.. wana watch? there are some studies show that these kind of things is harmful to pregnant womens also.. not in the clip la… TVB clip.. cantonese.
y i’m so pissed off? i duno… i just dun like those ppl scamming other ppl’s money.. with all kind of bullshit.. if u really wan ppl to join something.. b honest.. at least let ppl know wat the heck is that thing.. the fren asked her to go to the company tmr.. which i insisted her to reject the fren.. but then.. they still have the strongest tactic.. claiming that they are ur fren.. hard for u to reject them right? so after hours of trying to reject her fren.. the fren ask her to go to the company to c wat he is doing all the time.. AS A FREN… bullshit.. really bullshit.. we’ll c wats gona happen tmr.. my gf promised me that if something turns wrong.. which a lot of other ppl in the company interupt to ask her to join.. she’ll just leave the place.. from wat i heard.. those ppl in the company will try to poison u.. saying that they earn how much money each month.. quit their job bcos this lampe berger is earning much more than their own job.. n then.. showing their so called luxury sports cars… which u dun even know it belongs to them or not.. they just rent it mayb? LOL…
friends… friends dun force their friends to do anything… friends are suppose to help each other when in need… not forcing u to go to the bullshit company n listen to bullshits.. wasting ur time.. what i saw in forums… those ppl who brought their frens into the company for bullshiting.. they are not frens anymore.. for example.. the Ecosway thingy… started by my fren in utm here.. approached me.. i say no.. that’s all.. no more topics about it… that’s wat i call frens… if someone say no to u for this kind of business… just stop it.. if u really felt that he’s ur fren.. no point of ruining a friendship bcos of something u think u can earn money from but he dun.. that’s a true friendship..
Updates 22 April 2007 – Malaysia’s Security Commission had listed out an alert list of scamming potential investment programs at . Lampe Berger was listed in the list but then was removed after a few days. What happened? I don’t know. And yet, newspapers had news about this fraud investments and LB is listed in there as well. So guys, those who kept on cursing around in this post comments, can you give us some reasons why LB is listed in those list? 🙂
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
Intern Analyst
Yes, new in response to the ongoing trend.
i was raped becoz of LB..
pity u…
no name
i hate this thing..this thing was cheated me..act the people who invite me..shit!
I heard the ozone theory from my friend (who got suckered into buying one) and laughed out loud. Haiyo, didn't pass Standard 3 Science ah? When you light a fire, oxygen gets converted into carbon dioxide, not ozone! Hahahahahhhh….. As for the oil, it is 99.99% paraffin oil (read the label), which is a fancy name for kerosene. Pay RM400 for minyak tanah. Kah kah kah…… A sucker is born every minute. Go to the prayer paraphernalia shop and you can get the same thing for RM10. Just add your own perfume and voila!
I don't know about the marketing side, but if you can sell a RM10 bottle of oil for RM400, sure can drive BMW in no time. And considering the number of suckers in Malaysia, why not?
to tell yall
this is very funny guys, u all are here and give u own chance to people decide your future. and tis is who failure only talk bout ppl's company bad, because of he does not success because of he dont know the company at all. u guys are follow oso, so SILLY… not even know the company u all are actualy no qualify to talk bout goodness of the company. even u been heard before, but wat position are you now to teach ppl? a business man? if no, just quiet u KIDDY.
and hey ther NO NAME, dun say u r hate ur friend, U ARE SO CHILDISH, and i dont think u thought ur friend as friend too, so pity if i hav a friend like u kids.. ur friend just wan to share a thg wif u, doesnt like u, sooooo selfish.
oh no!! this marquis or duke is speaking english u all..haha..
i mmg lgsg tk pecaya LB ni..pity my sister, 40k ++ burn celah jari jer .. dia tu keja kerani govt jer, buat loan ribu2, terpedaya dgn sorng upline ni. upline dia lari, my sister dok bayar tk abis2 hutang tu smpi tua.
most pity to my fren yg keja govt sector for 5 yrs but then berenti sbb terikut2 buat last senyap terus, masa depan musnah, keja hilang, bergolak rumah tangga..
for me, ikut la ajaran nabi, buat bisnes kena jujur, jgn tekan org, jgn paksa org. setiap urusan mesti ada lafaz akad jual beli. yg menjual bleh berbangga, yg membeli berpuas hati, segala urusan di berkati. tk yah la nk menipu org dgn system nth apa nth.
LB & seangkatan dgn nya..tlg lah stop musnah kan kerjaya org, apa lg yg dh beranak bini tu, kesian kat keluarga mereka.
ada skali tu, my fren yg keja dgn govt ni dtg umh tgh2 mlm, ajak lepak minum sbb nk discuss something. then, pasai kwn i tu i dh lama tk jumpa, i pun ikut laa ..sian anak bini i tinggal kat umh berdua. at last, lepas borak sembang2, lepas dia dh basuh i yg keja mkn gaji ni (tapi i tk terhegeh2 la nk pi berhutang sana sini) dia ckp i tkde masa depan … wah hebat kan ayat dia. pastu siap basuh my wife yg buat insurans ni mcm penagih jual vcd tepi jln. hey org2 LB, kalo nk citer tu bleh, tp jgn la lekeh2 kan anak bini org, dh tu rezki dia, at least dia usaha dgn cara dia, tkde pi basuh anak bini org smpi camtu tgh2 mlm.
really kesian la dgn my fren, i tau la dia pun desperate nk buat sale sbb dh invest byk, tp akibat dh terlalu pressure nk bayar hutang n dh tk keja dgn govt, dia menggelabah smpi kutuk2 org. at least kalo u all amik ins dgn my wife, u all mati, ada pampasan, dpt gak byr duit hutang piutang semua langsai, tp kalo u invest dlm LB, u all mati ker, suh la anak bini u all minta la tlg count2 marqis2 u all semua langsai kan hutang2 u yg berlambak tu, mgkn diaorg bleh tlg .. mgkn laa ..
this thing such a suck..liar..stabbing the people from behind..i hate this things so much
Wanna to join LB. BlackMetal thanks for your comment =)
all tipu and cheating, my friends lost a lot money for it, now he works like hell to get money.
Back to reality in life better. Those university students thought can gain much money using this way, sigh….
This Fxcking LB still alive? WTFÂÂ
yup…but the old guys (steven yeam, and gang) are no longer there… a lot of indonesian and bangla ppl
…and how come its top 50 mlm company in malaysia for the year 2010?
Membeli / memborong oil lampe berger secara pukal/borong..
Dari simpan dalam stor/bilik/bawah katil jual segera kepada kami.
Kami membeli oil secara cash/tunai
cntoh2 oil SANDALWOOD,LAVENDER, ROSE dan bnyak lagi..
hubungi segera Pian 012 – 475 4789
school table
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I could care less about the business side of how this snake oil is sold. I just don’t believe all the crap about it purifying the air and any other health benefits. It’s just an overpriced air freshener. My sister-in-law in Malaysia was part of the MLM scam and ended up selling my wife a bunch. I don’t think it was very big here in the US.