Transforming Windows XP to Windows Vista~
No, this is not the method to change the whole Windows XP system to Windows Vista. It is just a program which can transform the look of your Windows XP to Windows Vista. Introducing Vista Transformation Pack. This program will transform your Windows user interface to ultimate Windows Vista alike looks that everyone will never notice it’s the same old Windows XP (or 2003)!
This is the latest version of Vista Transformation Pack which is Version 6.0. Currently I am using Version 5.5 and will upgrade it after I finish downloading the pack. The installation is very simple: Install and restart your PC. Then start enjoying the stylish Vista look on your Windows XP. No softwares like Windowblinds are required as this pack changes the registry (which is quite risky). I would recommend only install this on a fresh Windows XP installation or any Windows XP that never installed any packs before. Or else you will end up crashing your registry.
Logon Screen
Desktop look. Outstanding interface isn’t it? You can head over to this forum to download the pack. Have fun!
An engineer which have a lot of interests in gadgets and technology stuffs. The blog varies from life events to gadgets reviews and hacks.
Happy New Year 2007~
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set a restore point before you install this transformation pack because it cannot be uninstalled. This is my personal experience. Anyway the transformation works great. Just in case you miss the look of windows xp
well for my personal experience, the registry will be corrupted if you installed on a system that installed other packs before. Its useless if you set a restore point. But there’s some instruction to help you if you really messed up though. Installed the latest version… really looks great!