• Wordpress Plugins

    Post Teaser WordPress Plugin~

    As Google and other search engines penalize sites that have duplicated content, you may want to use post excerpts everywhere other than the single post page. But in order to do that, you would have to edit your theme files…

  • Wordpress Plugins

    Top 30 WordPress Plugins~

    Staska.net had compiled a list of the top 30 WordPress plugins in blogosphere. The list is done by votes from 48 bloggers on their favorite plugins. The list is based on the Lists of favorite WordPress plugins, made by Lorelle…

  • Wordpress Plugins

    Comment Relish Plugin~

    One way of getting your readers back to your blog is by sending them a “Thanks for commenting” email after they comment on your blog for the first time. This is what Comment Relish plugin does. Comment relish is a…

  • Wordpress Plugins

    InstantUpgrade WordPress Plugin~

    Are you tired of upgrading your WordPress versions just to keep up? WordPress has been releasing new versions more frequently lately and it would be troublesome for some of us to upgrade it. Luckily, there is a plugin where you…

  • Wordpress Plugins

    WordPress Plugin: MyAvatar~

    If you are a MyBlogLog user that have been commenting in this blog recently, you will notice that your MyBlogLog avatar will appear just beside your comments. How do I do it? Just use this WordPress plugin, MyAvatar. This plugin…